Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy A Dutch Master

Cold anger or what I've always wanted to get rid of BPjM & Co.

Actually, I have resolved to refer the matter to me, not large with the BPjM, and the body of case law decisions, just as I am concerned not with choice programs, reporting on the crisis in Greece and Pippi Longstocking films. All of this upsets me only, and the excitement I use rather useful.

Now I will work with the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young unfortunately imposed because drifting now periodically writing from the Bonn authorities, informed in what Hirntot Records is that this or that CD again this are good could undermine inclined young social ethics to to disorient and brutalize. So far, so good.

Admittedly Hirntot Records is in your authority, dear assessors, not necessarily Art & the most loving way made representations. In a well-known track whose name I shall not name, we have the protection of young people in general and especially Monika Griefahn came well before Shin's metaphorical - an action which we now know myself that it was covered. Insight no excuse, but the theme we all know this. Also, to the impression that had the ladies and gentlemen because of us, to correct a little bit, we went in person to an appointment to Bonn, we had lodged against a decision to index opposition, and sat the dreaded 12 Panel eye to eye.

was no different than expected from the Grundsatzhatern existing Tribunal: we had a round of very likeable fellow in his face, and talked with those containing about our music, to an analytical manner, how they can be taken as an artist actually want. Word for word, we went through the texts, and occasionally smirked some or moved his eyebrows, it was debated clauses and embarrassment rhymes, but it was a nice conversation. That the disc was finally but indicated the whole thing becomes cloudy, certainly, but good. Further in the text.

I thus, how can certainly think everyone now broken with my projects and me on wiedermal www.bundespruefstelle.de looked around, and then I immediately noticed 2 things considered.

First: Are the "Friday the 13th" movie parts 5-8 of the index down. Just like that. No follow-indexing. We remember: "Friday the 13th" is the Jason Voorhees, the hockey-Atze with the machete, which is the one who, unlike Michael Myers from "Halloween" has no halfway psychology that no - Jason, is anonymous, faceless butcher who makes unsafe for tens of films Camp Crystal Lake, slaughtered indiscriminately teenagers whose motivation is never explained this correctly (except that he was bullied as a child from the others because of his appearance and that his mother 'nen bang was because there's very little). So exactly the Jason, by the standards of BPjM, which considers all know itself purposive violence as particularly reprehensible, the largest sow of all would have to be - love something, panel assessors, please seek an end in itself, as unmotivated and indiscriminate massacre EXPLAINS IT ME? - So THAT Jason, who has nothing to do but every teen to filleting in any way, is suddenly no longer inclined to brutalize young people. I pour myself now prefer a cup of coffee one more, I realize now, my heart beat is on .
hundred eighty
that we do not get me wrong & to let me take a deep breath: I think it's good that Jason widest part of the list is down. I like the "Friday the 13th" movies, even if they are having cinematic standards cucumber peanut butter, relatively loose story formulaic slasher with the always wonderfully silly Pubertierlingen as victims of Machetenschwingers. I like these movies just because they are honest and stupid in some ways, it's just all about the massacre there, ma shit on camera settings and atmosphere a la "Halloween - The night of horror" that needs no "Friday the 13th . "part: we have night, has a lake, we have a bunch of kids and a silent fickenderkiffendersaufender Schlitzer, which must meet.

And that would also be sufficient to allow the film on the index, because, I repeat: What the heck is an end in itself as a killer with no background, no real story, without a shred of human feeling, sees it as vital task a high body count of bleached Barbies and dull back quality quarterbacks to achieve? I see just somehow nothing selbstzweckhafteres, and I confirmed once again, my body assessors and panel assessors (the-inside, I'm up forgotten, but we want to remain politically correct), I am confirmed that the decisions are BPjM pure caprice .

The rough guidelines, is indexed according to which are: "Whether a violence-containing film is considered harmful to minors or not depends on the first depends on whether the acts of violence against humans or human-like beings or abstract to be exercised against fantasy figures and are involved in a context of a modification of the violence prevented as defined prosocial interpretation of the plot and the compassion with the victims or permits. In addition, the assessment of youth risk-violent containing film made subject shown whether violence is a central hallmark of the film, even purposeful, detailed and realistic and is probably "in a good cause" justified appears. "( source )
With these requirements you're gonna get loose every "Tom & Jerry" episode, at Bud Spencer & Terence Hill-Klopper and anyone Patricia Highsmith thriller on the index, the guidelines are something of vast, vague and open, that it is indeed the particular mood of the assessors is owed, what is the minors just ma what does not.

And BPjM know myself that the case law is not "static" as They state, but changes in society is subject. Is: what is harmful to young people today, tomorrow maybe even educational. Does further: Personal taste will decide which violence currently end in itself, central formative element of the movie, etc., etc.. Does that thought to the bitter end: There is actually arbitrariness of the authority. Sorry, my body-Beisi ... (The address-saving phrase I at this point), but considered in light, you do nothing except to pack more than what you just does not fit to, in the poison cupboard. But the criticism you probably already know, and trickles down to you like water on oiled skin.

But let us now turn to the second point that struck me, and has nothing to do with indexing, indexing or follow-listing do. Upon further search about on the pages I finally found under the "FAQ" to the following: "Is indexing these days to still make sense?"
Yum, I thought, finally something fresh, that the kids any indexed media download illegally from the Net, if there are any now no longer hold, has now also got around to in Bonn, cool thing to read right times. So I read. Namely this:

"A indexed by the Federal Department for Media Harmful to Young is an important stand against the producers and distributors and indicates that, when content violate in society generally accepted educational goals and values the same time provide indexing and parents and all parents important. evidence for media education. " (Source )

Okay. I again give me coffee after, for the showdown I need high pulse. This small Textlein tells us two things. First, the BPjM is neither stupid nor naive, hypocritical. They say it does not directly, but they know that, thanks to Rapidshare & Co. each ten-year peg with Internet access to the indicated medium containing procured by illicit means that preserving the real objective of the youth against brutalizing dirt and trash, any intervenes. This insight is good, is honest, is almost commendable. But only almost, because this second, we wimpernklimpernd innocent text says that it is not at all about taking the kids to their splatter fun, but only of the distributors and producers of dirt and brutalizing Trash to pee on my legs, so artists whose art is meant not just suffering, or you can not destroy the business. That's about as if you let a murderer walk around more freely and make instead the manufacturer of the weapon that the murderer has used the process. A pathetic-coated comparison, I know, but that's just me pretty latte. And also this great formulation, the listing decision would give "parents and all parents have important implications for media education" means, with reverence, an outrage, because you speak, value assessors & youth advocates, parents, the intuitive ability from knowing what is good for your child. Yes, we may now argue that it is intended here and there parents who lack the intuitive ability. That's right, but such parents will be in addition to the needs of their child, the "evidence" and ignore the signals BPjM deliberately.

BPjM love-love staff, voluntary body assessors, protection of young people love, I'm sure you are all good and honest people who have only the best for our children in mind. I find it very commendable, because children are our future. I'm sure you all mean well, but that does not justify, and even less excuse. Do the only correct one: to reform this agency, adjust the BPjM and ask yourself the time to also. They say yes (implicitly) itself, their whole well-intentioned actions is a waste of effort and the actual target by miles, each ultra-violent splatter cannibal zombie violence porno that you pack today to list B, the junior moves tomorrow from the net just because it is indexed . Sure, the distributor / producer / artist is angry over a list entry, but it does something? sorry Please look at the film and music releases of recent years, this art: this trash has become socially acceptable. I repeat: reforming the Authority to do something meaningful. Teach the kids media literacy, teach the kids how they need to with these images, words around. You get neither Saddam's execution from the network still down by the schoolyard phones, so bring the children to deal with it. Do you think it is not only good, do it good. Discard methods if they are outdated. You can not go with a single shot musket from Napoleon's time in the war when your enemy has satellite tracking, fully automatic machine guns and mortars. Reforming the Authority. Begin to those who want to protect you to understand. Talk to them. And more importantly: Listen to them. That the youth orientation, inefficient and stupid is as stupid as we know from Socrates, but the fact remains that these youth will grow up, and then in turn owns the youth orientation, inefficient and stupid as stupid. Break through this senseless cycle: you reform the agency. Remember back to when your parents Sexmonster demonized as Elvis, the Beatles as a mushroom-headed drug junkies or damn you took away the Tarzan comics, as your predecessors did in the comics for BPjM entwicklungsgefährend. And yes, for your parents was the devil all the time just as obnoxious as you all this inhuman rap music, these evil splatter films and a lot worse this Killer Games. Reforming the Authority. Reform your ways of thinking. Open up the new. Do not have one of those narrow-minded, bigoted and stuck philistines that you previously despised Sun It did not then better, and you do not know it today. Is my pathetic drivel just wasted effort? I'm just Don Quixote? I give the Sisiphos? Nod is not too rash to protect young people love, because you have to fight your windmills and roll their stones. Reforming the Authority. I know how to begin this annoying repetitions, but now you know how I feel when I make a new decision from the indexing Hirntot mailbox fish. I've made some coffee, I'm just one hundred and eighty, I was close to the heart attack, and all because you mean well.

I'm going right now or watch a seized pursuant to § 131 cannibal movie I uncut bought from Austria, I am going to relax in how cut off any bad casted Indio extras a shackled to the stake guy in close-up of the Schniedelwutz and how a blonde gets drilled a couple of meat hooks through her tits and then hung up on it. I'll look at that, and that is my impotent rage at the arbitrary authority of your field a bit, then I might sleep without me because my anger at you in your sleep kaputtzuknirschen the teeth and break another tooth.

I need a new back teeth because you mean well.


PS: The clerical emphasize the authenticity of this text.

PSS: You reforming the Authority.


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