Sunday, April 18, 2010

How Do You Do A Combinations In M

Hirntot The novel is finished writing.

It is finished. Today around 19 clock in the evening I typed the auspicious words "end of the first book under the manuscript of Hirntot's novel" Hunters of the Night, "the first novel in the" shadow syndicate "trilogy.
After I now felt a hundred years and had included four actual months in private, and have written on pale twilight with viiiiel weeeenig coffee and sleep in the work, I saw for the first time this evening sunlight, and that was also just beginning to decline. Okay, I exaggerate. But the work was hard.
Who me in recent weeks, as it were, represented the final stage and my final battle with the manuscript, saw, saw a bleary-eyed, pale, long-bearded motherfucker with dark circles like car tires, laughing at himself with a devastated immune system of each virus to him under & in the nose came. I am not exaggerating when I say that the work was sweaty, nerve-racking and blutaussaugend. It was the
Plot of the story a very long set. Blokkmonsta and I had back then like to brainstorm some creative evenings outline the rough story, which then quite a long hingammelte untouched in the drawer to go before I finally roused, and cut the first set in the keys. And if you've started, then bring it to the end.
"Raiders of the Night" is obviously not a literary experiment in the tradition of "Ulysses" or "In Search of Lost Time", it's just a fun, exciting thriller and more it will not be. For the real story I will still keep a low profile, but it is, compared with the small plot we have scribbled together, grown into a remarkable work. The interesting
of creative writing is that the story being told at some point begins to develop a certain momentum. You learn in the course of writing the main characters, the previously herumgammelten only as a warrant outlined notes in a text file, to know and respect as "real" people and they will grow one to be very fond, and you get sometimes at quite nerve-limits - if you notice, for example, that figure, the plot to kill loud as someone cold would never do such a thing actually, because it is simply not a killer. Would they still be acting in accordance with the plot, any reader would say "No, is not the XY, I got to know it was 50 pages, "and that is what must not happen.
Man countless times comes at precisely those points that describe as extending to the plot, modify, use, I had countless figures added tight to the end the story in the mold, would as desired. especially the last third of the novel was an agonizing phase of rewriting, touch up and correct, and I'm pretty facilitates that now a large part is over. The now resulting corrections are only minor, since I already during long passages of writing breaks old nachlas, rewrote and mending
The story itself -. I will not say too much more precisely. I will not even say anything. First time I let those etching and friends who have volunteered to test and proofreading ready to go through the manuscript completely to any logic or other errors (which can be seen no longer at a certain point as an author) to repair. Perhaps only this: it has very much fun to write the passages with the Hirntot-people, I have introduced numerous aspects that point to tracks of us, I have introduced the characteristics of each person figure fairly and here and there inside are hidden, the for far less than others will be granted - as a kind of counterpart to the hidden track on an album.
Oh, one more thing: all references to real people, this story is fictional, of course, none of that really happened, none of this will really happen. It must, therefore, no one on the way into the forests around Berlin make the numerous corpses, which have accumulated in the course of history;)
The cover, an excerpt from the novel as a reading test, a brief synopsis, the release date and all other dates will be announced in the coming weeks.


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