Temple Town Breasts Theater
Having yesterday been dead in bed at 23h (usually for me then the time for Lunch), I slept right times today, that is: I was held at 5:30 h to 6 h on. Yeah, the half-hour's has carved out full! I arrived at 8:30 am in the same bakery of yesterday, drinking my latte macchiato with vanilla and found the tits of pretty baker in the same place as yesterday. While outside the rush hour was slow going I settled well maintained by the porch of the baker and the lies that stupid newspaper.
And as I was at 9 when I opened the trailer Blokkmonsta course again taken out of REM sleep ... And the schedule for today is again narrower than the leggings to your mother, I'm very curious if we will do it all! And because of the stress I have no time for any kacksinnvollen tieffickenden and philosophical thought, so this blog is currently boring ass. But maybe tomorrow I'll do a picture of the baker's breasts and alternate in here, then life comes to the brothel ...
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