Thursday, December 31, 2009
How Does Cervix Feel When Period
As small highlight and conclusion of the training year 2009, we now have the Nuremberg Silvesterlauf
( = 241 & page = 1 & & suchtxt = only = 64 & IDS = ZGORIG2G)
behind us brought us - a pair of shoes went together to the finish ....
We wish all the well together exceed the annual limit of a happy and a wonderful start in the new year ....
Friday, December 25, 2009
How Cutting Anarkali Stitching
We wish all, really all our readers - and those who just like us on the Transalp 2010 forward - and all others of course - a beautiful and peaceful Christmas 2009 and an injury-free New Year 2010
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Pshoriasis And Swollen Lymph Nodes
... extremely proceeding slowly - the training workload starts to grow slowly - hopefully grow the Christmas fat any faster.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Fastest Bullet For Hunting
... logging on to fill in the time limit 01:12:09 - submitted and after 4 hours of waiting time actually receive the mail - we're in!
India Poa Land Hir Name
The advantage, if you have no TV: 'Germany sucht den Superstar "," jungle camp "and" Wife Swap ", ie all those remarkable occupational therapy and tranquilizers for the Germans go completely past one, and it keeps the mind free for the important things in life (fuck, eat, sleep). The problem: You missed the Anzola of the formats in this case: the death of the Daily Talk.
honest I was shocked when I recently combed through the TV guide and had to find that the good old lunch with riot-host so well no longer exist! Solely Britt, this Scandinavian beauty talkt, still in the same show from 13 clock around for an hour, so to speak, she keeps the flame of the lonely threshing phrases in the midday sky, is obscured by docu-soaps like "We Are Family (yes, I have again today my metaphorical)
behaved with the talk shows this is indeed the way with everything. a monkey before Machts, a thousand monkeys to make side Ilona. was recorded Christians on RTL initial success in the rates, flooding the commercial channel in the afternoon with Peter Imhof, Pilawas, Franklin, Vera, Ricky, Oli females and what were they sacked moderator silhouette target all, which of course had the consequence that the viewer eternal meaningless babble eventually went heavy on the bag - especially as the German talk shows long term not the confrontational character of American Gladiator Fight formats à la Jerry Springer had and consequently less combing the baser the eggs. In this country you had to lower class with Relationships and sweaty Altmänneraufgeil issues of the mark "I'll Porn Star" or "bitch," You gave me the man stretched out "to make do. So far, so good.
clear: The "Talk" was always very very very far behind the "Show", but otherwise it was not so. It has been talked a lot, but there was always more to the entertainment value, the volume, in fact, it would be the format also can "Freak Show" call, not later than the time when the hungry talk shows, the normal candidates were off and they rely on casted human material . had That took the whole thing even more of the already deplorable authenticity, increased but again the show character and yes, you might just say this: it was always a pleasure, as the talk show behind them when they realized that the decline in rates, more intense conflict ascended to keep the viewer at the bar, the geeks were freaky, her tits were bigger, the subjects were stupid.
And now, as I said, struggling as a lone Britt werweißwielangenoch their one hour a day ramblings. I have great sympathy for Britt Hagedorn, primarily because it's just a horny slut, but also because I was this good-old talk show! Feeling quite makes nostalgic - even if the "good old talk show" is not much to see, it's finally there only to paternity and lie detector tests. But
well. I'm excited when I can write the farewell to the docu-soaps, which will probably take some time, but make me much more fun!
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Can You Take Pepto Bismol When You Have A Cold
"Would you maybe come up briefly with you and my drugged Collection See ...?"
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Can Dogs Eat Spinach Greens
For all the etching, the question looks like for a normal, brain-dead day, here is a small glimpse of yesterday ...
Ca. ("Stand up" not to be confused with!) Woke up, TV on, breakfast in bed (coffee and a pot of oatmeal in milk with sugar and grated coconut), with "Britt" look to see made on the brain-damaged morons there funny: 13 Clock themselves and felt cool and superior. Britt's ass and admired - a really fantastic mom!
clock 14:00: Got up, Hirntot Forum ( ), E-mail ( & Myspace (www.schwartzrap . de checked) Fan mail answered (or not - depending on your mood) 14:30
Clock: On Hirntot-Roman work (coming soon), pretty good progress, so about 50% of the thing done. drunk when writing about 2 thermos flasks of coffee.
16:00 clock: In the meantime, with Queen Katha (Drama Muzick) gelabert & Feature agreed, then continued working on the novel.
17:00 Clock: With Blokkmonsta to the mailbox. New Letter from the BPjM get (content top secret!), A few drinks purchased (iced tea in various flavors).
18 clock: set up for the reply BPjM, in favor of the "Simpsons" but shifted by one hour.
19 clock: set up for the reply & BPHM completed.
19:30 clock: The editor of "In the Line" DVD-spoken, the part is almost done, some things still need to be corrected ... but you can look forward on it once!
20 clock: lunch (beef Shawarma) at Lebanese around the corner. Very good!
21 clock: Chill Time. "Underground" is one of Blokk & doctor a little Hirntot Forum ( ), E-mail ( & Myspace ( checked , also on & on any news from the "hip-hop scene" informed. Next I worked on the novel (all that I wrote this afternoon:
22 clock With Blokkmonsta had an idea for another joint Colabo Album: revised, especially the dialogues ...)
about 23:30 clock.
23:31 clock: ranging Colabo record album ...
1:30 clock: ... and finished! Haha, no. Back to 23:30 clock: ideas listed and moved to the jam-packed "At some point projects" folder. Then continue on the novel worked alongside gechilltt on Myspace.
1:30 clock (now really): With gelatscht Blokkmonsta to curry stall at the corner and taken a snack. Then go back and continue working on the novel, but with decreasing concentration.
2:30 clock: written a few song lines and stored in any file (I think, however, not again).
2:35 clock: babble on some nocturnal etching in MSN ... incidentally worked on the novel (slow it gets boring, hahaha).
Clock 5: Direction Chilled bed, TV on, any of pointless sitcoms watched, while dinner (a stack of bread with meat, salami, Gouda, served with carbonated water with peach flavor).
6 clock: bedtime!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Walima Cards Text Pakistan
Often people write me that they now want to try to rap, and if I can not give you tips. While I believe that there is certainly more suitable than contact me, I will not even be so, and I just have a few minutes excess time, I can in the same course it slightly mummified Blog revive a little. Let's start.
first No one is waiting for you
It is perhaps symptomatic of a music style that originated more or less from lyrical tail comparisons out that is expected of rappers trudge to the confidence of a King Kong through the area and to proclaim loudly that the so-called "Game" is now completely fucked that all Haster can retire and one is for Hiphop in about what Jesus was for Christianity. Say goodbye to the thought. Do you realize that no one is waiting for you, it certainly does not have a rapper in the world without asking his opinion or his biography to the Ear claps. Look around on Myspace: there are more rappers than car mechanics in Germany. Each Raphoe tried sooner or later times in the matter, and you're not different. You're just one of many, nothing special. This is hard, but the truth, live with it and take it as the basis for everything else.
second Neglect the text, building on your voice
For some reason, the reputation of rap, that the texts were the most important. This may be tuned, that there is in any other music toward more text here and in some Storytellers or acrobatic rhyme games is a good text essential, but a beginner can confidently shit on the text. For this reason, you can also go from this strange freetype forums away, so Internet forums where you can deliver by itself Battles typed lines of text. This is a nice pastime, but has nothing to do with rap. Rap does not have the Scriptures, but by the sound, and so I do not mean the Geklacker the keyboard. The first thing a listener will perceive of you, even before the meaning of the text has penetrated to his ear, is your voice and your manner of performance, ie the flow. This means: Work on your voice. Sure, not everyone is blessed with a good voice, but it does not plan to Barry White and Leonard Cohen sound-to-moderately pleasing, but vocally conspicuous. Legendary Rapper B-Real of Cypress Hill, Eazy-E, Flavor Flav, or Busta Rhymes have anything gefälllige, but all the more striking voice. Change your voice to something big you can not, but you can learn to use them. Experiment around, take you on in different tones of voice and hear it from me then, look, what you like best yourself. And not afraid of the microphone: which it does not matter if you yell. The biggest shortcoming of beginners is uncertainty or fear of the microphone, halbgeflüstertes, eierlos sounding Genuschel. Not trying to sound desperately otherwise do what you like, but make it, that your voice is not like any other sounds. And if you're holding a bored voice, then this boredom cultivate her voice. I'm sure you know what I mean.
third Standing on your role models and develop your own style
Everyone has role models, this is quite normal. Anyone who claims to have no role models, they will not admit only, and thus cheating themselves and the listeners. Clear your first Rapversuche will be influenced by your role models - that is all natural. But as long as your first Rapversuche not come to the public, do not care. Study your rap idols. Do you realize that she fell, but why do you like them? Find out and you can have both free up their influence. Be inspired by quietly get them to use parts of their texts, or flow, and build it as a small tribute to your own, but do not make the mistake to copy or imitate. Develop your own style. This can sometimes be a slow process, but if you do not want to be one of many imitations, it is necessary. Your own style is the only thing that distinguishes you from others. Many more words I can not say, but also do not give tips, it is ultimately YOUR style.
4th Keep your stuff back
The listener will end up not knowing that you've been sitting for three nights in a row on this one part, re-recorded it ten times have, he will not see how you've experimented for hours to the backups. The listener will notice only afterwards that you are offbeat halt in the third and eighth line and check off the track and find shit. So hold you back. If you are not blessed with a natural sense of tact, train yourself in rhythm. One of the biggest mistakes of beginners is that they are so proud of manufacture on their track, they do not realize that out of sheer disbelief to be permanently out of tempo or hung bridges vocally. The scathing criticisms they make it all the harder. So practice, practice, practice, and if you do not think this a job with the text and the eighth time without Jolt fix, then try one thirty-ninth time And do not worry: the time is your rhythm and tact sharpen, which lies in the nature of things. Later, all the routine, then you need more than forty attempts for a verse. But now, just now. Take your time if you do not want to be one of many. The handset, which you will serve afterwards without asking your bruising will thank you. This brings us directly to the next point.
5th Shit on the feedback
Thanks Myspace and Internet Rapforen one can obtain a very short time by an anonymous public criticism and feedback, and as we see commonly, this possibility is also used for pleasure. But please, not yours. You do not need feedback. Your track is offered to a potential audience, it's your track, you're behind, you know exactly why you have such a track and not differently. Feedback à la "The rhyme is as stupid and there you'd better do this" is meaningless, because you know why this silly rhyme have since used it for sure and that you wanted to do otherwise. You know your style and stand behind it. If you depend on others who will tell you that you are offbeat or your voice to sound indistinct whispering, then it is too early for a release. If you rhymes no matter, the audience will surely make you aware of your cheap "Rhymes", but you may not care, because you go with different standards on the matter. Your tracks will not please everyone tastes are just different. So do not ask for feedback, you know neither the power of the Internet user has their taste, it will help you in any case.
6th Be realistic
Okay, you've now completed your first track, the text is eingerappt accident free, he is untegrrundmäßig, but listenable been remixed and is now cut it out, in any form whatsoever. But be realistic. Think of point 1, it is still waiting for any of you, you are still before one of many.
proof them wrong!
Good luck!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Brazillion Wax Designs
What are sleep disorders?
About 25 percent of all adults in Germany suffer occasionally from insomnia, also called insomnia, worldwide there are a few million. The characteristics are poor sleep or the lack of ability to sleep at all, or recurrent awakenings. The medical world sees the insomnia is not as disease but as a state that can be solved in a systematic way. Insomnia can sometimes lead to major impairment of daily functions during waking periods.
causes and symptoms
The reasons that lead to insomnia are varied:
changes in work processes and situations such as stress, anxiety, stress and depression,
consumption of coffee or other stimulating Beverages or agents such as drugs, cigarettes, drugs, sleeping pills, etc.,
Neurological problems
hormone surges, such as before menstruation,
Chronic diseases such as asthma or arthritis,
Psychological Problems ,
concerns and problems that are seemingly no quick fix,
traumatic events
jet lag and shift work with the impairment of the light / dark cycle related and leads to a disruption of the natural sleep -wake cycle. The internal clock normally all people to self gets out of balance,
overheated or too cold rooms lead, poor ventilation, dry air, strong light (caused artificially by street lamps or sun wine effect), uncomfortable or located mattresses and wrong pillow inevitably lead to interrupted sleep,
remains active during sleep, the auditory and nervous system registers all the noise. It is a basic instinct of man, because he at risk - take action quickly, or even escape - even during sleep. Therefore result in noise, especially traffic and strong noise for typical interrupted sleep.
Symptoms of sleep or insomnia are typical long lying awake, in extreme cases, often for hours, often after unusual physical or mental exertion. When staying asleep, sleep is only superficial and not consistently. Sufferers wake up frequently, but no physical causes, such as thirst, excessive sweating and urination. The premature awakening often occurs after only a short sleep and the person has trouble falling asleep again. It is painfully awake and begins to rotate from side to side. Of premature Awakening often suffer older people, which is also under the term "senile bed escape known.
remedy Bach flower
First you should try to fathom the causes of insomnia. This includes an analysis of symptoms and the observation of the exact forms. If it's not falling asleep myself get a handle on a visit to the doctor is recommended.
The Bach Flower White Chestnut can serve as a basis bloom. If sleep disorders are caused by feelings of guilt, the Pine flower essence to be very helpful. In transit or to sleep, caused by undefined fears, should be mixed White Chestnut and Aspen. For specific fears helps Bach flower Mimulus with which one gets his imbalances and fears very well under control. In the occupational stress Bach Flower Elm and Oak are recommended. In case of demand and dissatisfaction with themselves, this condition can be treated with Elm and Honrbeam. Mustard can be taken in conjunction with depression, leading to insomnia.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Garmin Gps For Miss River

in postwar Germany.
Forced Vengeance . The case of Ellen Rinsche
Volker Mauersberger
Release Date: 25 August 2009
two prosecutors, two judges and six jurors, six good-night, a registrar - seventeen men against a woman. It is an elegantly dressed young woman who lives in a middle Westphalian city. She is married and has one child. Sometimes she wears sunglasses to hide her battered face. Or dresses with long sleeves, so that the blue Spots not seen. One day her husband disappeared. They killed him and stashed away. Her name is Ellen Rinsche, is eight years old and lives in a villa in the middle of the city. Until then, it was of good character. Now it becomes the husband's killer - and thus the incarnation of bourgeois depravity.
A woman's fate and a crime in the early years of the Republic
The well-known journalist Volker Mauersberger describes a murder that occurred in 1949 in Westphalia Gevelsberg, where the author in the fifties, began his career as a local reporter. The incredible crimes then shook the young German republic.
A crime novel that reconstructs a real murder case
with journalistic detail and a keen sense of the spirit and mood of the German post-war period is characterized by Volker Mauersberger a crime that leads into it deep into the post-war German history. Steering clear he describes a nightmarish fate of women, which is so only in the early days of the Republic may carry. Carefully and sensitively all aspects of this fateful connection and dependence of two people are illuminated, at the end is a crime that shakes in its hopelessness. The fate of Ellen Rinsche, which was a murderer, because of their desperate Life situation, no solution was employed, the former ARD correspondent Mauersberger many years. The public was then large proportion of the crime - in the press was stigmatized Rinsche within a short time as emotionally cold and ruthless killer. But what were the real reasons for the crime? With great clarity and accuracy of documentary records Mauersberger a nightmarish fate as thrilling. He is a great novel, and yet succeeded authentic Crime Report.
Volker Mauersberger: cold fury. The case of Ellen Rinsche. Novel. Bound.
Cologne: Emons Verlag 2009th 240 pages. ISBN 978-3-89705-626-8, € 17.90.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Brent Corrigan And Brent Everret
Following an internship and studying social sciences, which he completed with a diploma and doctorate, he devoted himself to the then-new medium of radio: As political editor of the WDR, he reported from the former federal capital Bonn, with side trips to Berlin, Warsaw, Madrid and Lisbon. Mauersberger loves the good old radio. But his heart is in the book and especially to the newspaper. "Who writes, remains," says the journalist, reported the twelve years for TIME from Madrid and six years for THE WEEK from Bonn. With his book publications, he has often provoked opposition. The unmasking of the self-styled counter-sized company Rudolf Pechel introduced as an early follower of Adolf Hitler in the early seventies to a to-disputed media coverage, "in his bestseller How the left can be Jusos"
attacked the former admirer of Willy Brandt, together with prominent authors of the political shift to the right after? the Guillaume affair and the inauguration of Helmut Schmidt. Starting in 1977, followed twelve years as a television correspondent on the Iberian peninsula, which were interrupted by a three-year time chief editor of Radio Bremen. The Return to Madrid was Mauersberger, who loves writing about anything, an act of liberation. In his book "Spain - change to Europe," he reported on the local
transformation from dictatorship to democracy. The early nineties, returned Mauersberger
in the united Germany to devote next to the current work to a new book project. In 1939 in Weimar born wanted to know why his father, who admired Goethe and Schiller, as an SS sergeant in the concentration camp Buchenwald landed. The son was only a small consolation that his father left in 1940 at his own insistence Buchenwald and had reported to the front. The book "Hitler in Weimar - The Case of a German cultural center "is the settlement with a politically deluded bourgeoisie that Hitler was preparing the way voluntarily. Since his retirement, is located in Bonn
survivors in the active state anxiety. After a longer teaching at the University of Münster, he presented the 2007 biography of the politician Bremer Henning Scherf. "A wonderfully readable book written and distant," the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung praised Then was fulfilled Mauersberger a long-held wish: a thrilling novel in the manner of his literary idol to write Truman Capote. The material he found in the archive of his former home city, where old files stored on the case of Ellen Rinsche. "My contribution to the Enlightenment post-war Germany, "says the author. "When writing, I was clear again, why we protested so vehemently against the musty Adenauer era."
Partying Catch Phrases
Mr. Mauersberger, what is your motive was to reopen the case Ellen Rinsche after sixty years ?
the beginning was all a coincidence. As you get older, you sometimes crazy ideas. I had the desire to write an exciting novel, a thriller or a political thriller. Then I remembered the case Rinsche again, which happened in 1949 in my city. I already asked at the time as a young man: why one slays innocent women by then their Man dismembered, it moves its body parts with the baby carriage through the city? The case took me a whole life not released, although I've only just started much later, to write about. The more thoroughly I rummaged through the files, last
interviewed witnesses and tried to solve the case, the closer I got to the truth. And I discovered behind the crime is a tragic story of a man and a woman. You have researched a murder case meticulously.
Why did you chose the literary form of the novel?
The title "Forced Vengeance" means a state of mind that runs through the whole book. In the life of Ellen and Joseph Rinsche there were few moments of happiness. Everything around her was violence and aggression. Like their marriage, which was hell. The title indicates the structure of the novel, which is composed of many, self-contained chapters. Reality and fiction are indeed very close together. The novel gives me as an author but the way I disregard the literary reality. I can record why it has to come to the murder. I can work out psychological motives sharper. I can embed a love story that there were actually. As a journalist you have reported on myriad topics. What do you think is special about the case, Ellen Rinsche?
The case could happen in this incredible drama only in the immediate postwar period
, ie in a time when everything was broken, there were no rules any more and morale was down. It happened even in a period of political transition. The four are between 1945 and 1949, not in the historiography. They are regarded as trivial rubble years. They all looked back with horror, just forward. Everyone wanted to survive, even the murderer Ellen Rinsche that killed her husband without asking whether they
can be punished for it. She confided to a lawless state. Only thus their naivete in covering up the crime can be explained.
They are doing but not about legitimizing the act afterwards?
Not quite. But I will tell the tragic story of a woman who is still unknown. It knows only the killer, the monster, the terrible witch. But the killer is hidden behind a wife and mother who believed until the end of their marriage and still in the prison cell said that they had their man like that was a bad man. He was the evil, not his wife in a desperate moment of her life lost control and killed her husband. This was an act of almost classic self-defense, the then negated the Hagen court, however. Ten years later, the verdict might be different failed because the democratic law stood on solid ground. Ellen Rinsche was a murderer who had to be punished for their evil deed - no question. But she was also a victim of the then social relations, not to mention unlimited by their isolation and loneliness all.
Emons Verlag Cologne
Straße 38 50674 Köln Tel
0221 - 56977-0 Fax
0221 - 524 937
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Easton Ssv1b Softball Bat Review
Agrimony - called Common agrimony also wildflower "Agrimonia eupatoria"
loss of appetite, bladder pain, bowel problems, diarrhea, fever, gall bladder, liver, urinary, skin infections, stomach problems, kidney disease, throat and laryngitis, rheumatism, vocal cord irritation, digestive disorders, Dropsy, gingivitis
Aspen - Aspen also trembling poplar called "Populus tremula"
fatigue, headaches, sleep walking, weakness, sweating, talking in sleep, tremor
Beech - Beech "Fagus sylvatica"
intestinal complaints, fever, ulcers, gout, skin diseases, cough, infectious wounds, rheumatism, psoriasis (psoriasis), acidification of the stomach mucilaginous, respiratory system, toothache
Centaury - centaury "Centaurium"
abscesses, depressed immune system, anemia, loss of appetite, belching, intestinal gas (flatulence), anemia, chronic gastritis, enteritis, diabetes, eczema, fatigue, fever, gall weakness, biliary obstruction, gallstones, gastritis, jaundice, rheumatism, gout, neck gland tumor (scrofula ), immune deficiency, colic, poor circulation, liver congestion, stomach inflammation, gastritis, malaria, menstrual problems, swelling of the spleen, fatigue, nervous debility, convalescence, rheumatism, ringworm, poorly healing wounds, weakness, heartburn, obesity, indigestion, Indigestion (dyspepsia), blockage of the bowel (constipation)
Chestnut Bud - bud of horse chestnut
atherosclerosis, vaginal discharge, diabetes, diarrhea, eczema, colds, fever, frostbite, leg swelling, ulcers, gout, haemorrhoids, skin problems , sciatica, whooping cough, varicose veins, poor circulation, liver weakness, lupus erythematosus, stomach cramps, nerve pain, leg ulcers, rheumatism, slow healing wounds, heavy legs, phlebitis, venous disease, leg cramps, dropsy (edema)
Chicory - common chicory and chicory called "Cichorium intybus "
After itching, acne, diabetes, disease of the digestive system (Pfortaderstauung), bile weakness, gallstones, uterine weakness, ulcers, hair loss, hemorrhoids, skin blemishes, varicose veins, headaches, liver problems, swelling of the liver, spleen, metabolic weakness, indigestion, constipation
Clematis - Clematis Ordinary called clematis, from the family of "Ranunculaceae"
breast inflammation, glandular swelling, eczema, skin rash, itching, itching, lymphatics, nerve pain, prostate inflammation, Rheumatism, vaginal inflammation, pain
Crab Apple - Crab Apple and European wild apple called "Malus sylvestris"
arteriosclerosis, diarrhea, eczema, obesity, gout, hemorrhoids, hoarseness, skin rash, nervousness, rheumatism, constipation, vitamin C deficiency (scurvy),
Elm - English Elm 'Ulmus procera'
diarrhea, eczema, gastritis, gout, hemorrhoids, skin rashes, slow healing wounds, stomatitis, pharyngitis
Gentian - Bitter Gentian "Gentianella amarella"
loss of appetite, anemia, fever, heart problems, cold feet, cold hands, varicose veins, stomach disorders, menstrual cramps, fainting, rheumatism, colds, dizziness, heartburn, indigestion, constipation
Heather - heather and heath called 'Calluna vulgaris "
bladder stones, eczema, gout, skin irritations, kidney stones, rheumatism
Holly - European Holly 'Ilex aquifolium'
bronchitis, diarrhea, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, epilepsy, fever, gout, flu, rheumatism
Impatiens - Himalayan balsam "Impatiens glandulifera"
skin irritations, hemorrhoids, meadow dermatitis
Larch - European Larch 'Larix decidua'
tapeworms, bladder pain, urinary incontinence, bladder stones, bleeding, diarrhea, festering sores, gallstones , Grind, menstrual pain, oozing lichens, nerve pain, worms, wounds
Mustard - mustard "Sinapis arvensis"
loss of appetite, bronchitis, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, sore throat, rheumatism, Pain, metabolic weakness, indigestion
Oak - English Oak also called German Oak "Quercus robur"
After itching, eyelid inflammation, bladder inflammation, blood sugar lowering, burns (mild), pressure ulcers (bedsores), eczema, diabetes (mild) , diarrhea, intestinal inflammation, inflammatory wounds, chilblains, boils, athlete's foot, sweaty feet, hemorrhoids, sore throat, skin infections, varicose veins, peptic ulcers, gastritis, stomatitis, cuts, bleeding gums
Olive - Olive Tree 'Olea europaea'
eczema, gall stones, skin diseases, high blood pressure, eczema, constipation
Pine - Scots pine "Pinus sylvestris"
respiratory problems, bronchitis, circulatory disorders, gout, cough, sore muscles, sinus infections, nervousness , neuralgia, rheumatism, insomnia
Red Chestnut - Horse chestnut red meat red flowering horse chestnut known as "Aesculus carnea"
respiratory problems, atherosclerosis, vaginal discharge, bronchitis, diabetes, diarrhea, eczema, colds, fever, Chilblains, leg swelling, ulcers, gout, haemorrhoids, skin problems, sciatica, whooping cough, poor circulation, liver weakness, lupus erythematosus, stomach cramps, nerve pain, edema, leg ulcers, rheumatism, swollen legs, phlebitis, venous disease, leg cramps, wounds
Rock Rose - Yellow Rock Rose 'Helianthemum nummularium "
allergies, diarrhea, eczema, ulcers, skin problems, cardiovascular disease, cough, immunodeficiency, infections of the upper respiratory tract, menstrual problems, bad breath, bed sores (decubitus)
Sweet Chestnut - Called also chestnut, sweet chestnut Castanea sativa
bronchitis, diarrhea, lumbago, infections of the upper respiratory tract, whooping cough, rheumatism
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Discharge Instead Of A Period?
course you shit about money. You make music for the love of rap, all sorts of reasons, not only for the money, because you do not even think. Your dream is to see your CD in the media market of the new publications, or to bring an audience over the edge. You rap for fun, because you rap you hear and because you always like driving something that tells you that you want and can do better. So you catch on, on Myspace is not a thing. You set your first tracks online, the feedback is positive, you rejoice. Then you realize that most of the response of people is that rap itself well, you look around you on Myspace, and a little discomfort creeps up, because the offer of a real armada of young rappers precludes a tiny group of people who listen to rap "just". But well, you you hear the tunes of the people who have vowed to up, and find it okay, some may be better, but most are worse. You make more tracks, you hone your technique, your style, you make features with a few people who have commented positively your tracks (except for the pesky Spast as to the headset and without any diplomacy). You publish a free-EP, your pride, you have given thee trouble. But it is one of many, find what you need, one of thousands, hundreds of thousands.
you enough? One of thousands to be? If so, you'll still make some free EPs and eventually lose interest in rap, you education / school / study will bring to an end, a job, and your dream of a rap career, eventually faded, somewhere filed between Astronaut's Dream "and the lottery win.
They say also, you should stop, s if, at the beautiful. But it goes nunmal you do not satisfy free-EPs you no more, you want more. That is in the nature of things. You think of course not about money, but your dream of the CD in the media market, the performance in front of thousands cheering fans sitting you in the neck and drives you. The comments of your listeners are exuberant, "He's full of it," "could be what the" etc., things that confirm the up. You put together a demo, send it to a professional magazine on labels. There is no resonance, but that you may have expected, so you keep going, even a free-EP, a performance, a new demo. stay tuned you will, as most give up at this point, they lose the fun of it, hate the "game", the alleged corruption of the whole fucking CEOs and editors who do not recognize their genius, they make training / school / Studies take over a Vocational hear and only hit, the old rap CDs are ticked on Ebay.
But to those you do not belong. You are persistent, you stay with us, your dream drives you.
and then takes one of those coincidences that you meet someone who knows someone, some intern discovered in a magazine your demo in the trash and pushes it one out of boredom, is excited and passes it, whatever: something happens, what you feel is to move forward, you get a chance. In a magazine you will be mentioned in a subordinate clause as a tip, you are the faint. Your listeners, fans, what ever happy to work for you, they are eagerly awaiting new material from you, you records new tracks are giving you trouble, you want it all the evidence.
A label will be on your attention, probably a small, certainly not a major, but that you care, you get something like a deal, the terms are you damn it the main thing going forward. You bring out a mixtape or EP, it is not in the media market, but it's a start. You will be booked, treading on a few people, you're celebrating, you can believe it. In the magazine they have you as a newcomer secret "classified, they bring an article about you, maybe a little interview, your EP and the mixtape will be discussed positively, you feel like God. Your fans celebrate you, they love your shit, they spread it among friends, your deal provides for an album, one that will also be in the media market, you do turn up, you work hard, you want to prove it all.
appears then your album, and your dream is fulfilled, you go to the media market, as it is, you feel like God, this is your album. It is you give a damn how much you will sell, that's your album. A trade journal discussing it, perhaps positive, perhaps negative, at worst, exuberant, because it could generate a hype, and would be lethal, but that now you want to know anything anyway, it is not important. It discusses positive, your fans are excited the old people from Myspace you write on once they all want a feature to you, of course they want, they remember it, but that they were, that you have your first tracks made at that time, but you did not answer already More on the mail, there is too much to do a few gigs have to be done, album promo, the whole program, you are now a part of it, with your CD in the media market.
They say you should stop if it is ok. But you realize that the fulfillment of a dream just means that new dreams to replace.
You can not stop, because it does not stop, the CD is behind in media market, a second must. You give Interviews bring the typical response phrases to typical questions, hip-hop is your life and you shit on hip-hop, whatever. Your album is going well, people are thrilled to once every magazine your Album Review-, the people treat you differently. On the road you will still not recognized, but sometimes people look funny, as if they know you from somewhere. You get some money, you rejoice, it is of course nothing compared to the Fame, a new life as a rapper, but it is a bonus, buy yourself something nice like this.
You get more and more mail, people ask when there is new material from you, they are crazy about you, you feel like God. The old people from Myspace angry that you your mails no longer answering, has become primarily the Spast to the headset and without tact, he writes like you suck, are an arrogant pig, but that you care, the hard core of your fans because they love you and your style, your album is going well, you get some money, buy yourself something nice.
be louder the questions after the second album, we see the potential in you, could be what out of you, strange women come in at once, would you not previously looked at the ass and vie for a sip of your heritage, you feel up as God, it is fantastic.
They say you should stop when the most beautiful is. This should probably be a joke!
your label logs, a Major has expressed interest. They would bring out your second album like they see potential in you, they get the promo, they control everything. And you hear for the first time the word "advance". And all at once on your account more money than ever before, for nothing, for your second album, what you have not even started yet. You feel like God.
The journals require the expectations for your second plant are high, of course they are, but hey, you're finally on it. You buy you a lot of nice things from the advance and get to your second work, but you realize that it is harder, the expectations of you that can test you on, but they were never as overwhelming. But that does not matter, your major has placarded the city with the cover of your new album, the people who will look at you funny more and more, some come up to you and say "Hey are not you shower?" and you say "yes" and are proud, you feel like God. You give interviews, you invite to your drinking buddies, you're suddenly in a lot of new age-mates, they call you "the star rapper" fun, but creeps up the feeling that they mean it.
you a few tracks from the second album have done, but it somehow does not quite call, and suddenly one of the major, and you learn to "advance" the second major Familiar word, it says "Deadline", your album needs to be done. Well, you think, shit on it, you crap out a few tracks, a few well-known producers will jazz up the already.
They say you should stop if it is ok. But you can not get off a Ferris wheel when it is at the top.
Your second album is released. You had bad luck, because the first album has generated a hype. The jubilation in the journals of behavior is, well, it's okay, but is not ran to the first album, but that's not the worst. Your old fans who have celebrated your first album so they can be vexed, which is somehow not what the old, they make a stink, then was more heart here, that sounds somehow like money making, since you're in the Major's going downhill, and more often you read something in the forums and somehow you make the contribution from the Spast to the headset and without tact at once, what if he again writes that he is indeed always known you were 'arrogant ne Sau, Mucke would shit your right and your new fans are all victims. In general, the new fans. There are many of the promoters has your major, they attracted, they love you, they say, your Mucke was her life, celebrate you as a god, and almost all have downloaded your album. Major
your answers, the album has fallen short of expectations, Sales are slow, well, really crappy. You're angry, you say you want to make a third, you want to prove it all, a third, mhm, you should see me, they say, but in truth they have long since made up into the sidings. Your new fans, they at least come to your show, some anyway, but it falls short of expectations, all somehow. Your old fans are becoming more beast strength, it strikes me as if they hate you really, if you sometimes in the evening in the forums reread what they write so that you had your ass sold, you were 'ne Kommerzhure become the major sucking on cock , the whole program.
your hype is over, now has up to reality again. People recognize you on the road, but it's kind of different now, your second CD has indeed everyone, but somehow no one has paid for it, it comes in front of you at least. You hit on the magazines, there is nothing about you, since nothing new is more, there are other names, new names, new newcomer, new tips. Sometimes your name appears on yet, but it is different, as I said. You're depressed, angry, you do not know what to do with your anger, you would like to make a new album, but your Major will not let you, you wonder shalt if you do it again independent, will you prove it all, but it's kind of everything again as early as in Myspace, you are one of many, very many.
Your contract with the Major is running out, you're free again, you have all the hard time sitting on the album, the new, where are your anger, your hate, your hurt, you put inside, you will take it out independent. It is not even the press plays an expense, because there was no major has made the promo, the magazines have reported on the edge of it. Your new fans want to know nothing of the album and the old ones of you know anything. You're sitting on a pile of CDs and wonder what all this shit is really still.
And then you think, well, big and announce that you will end up with rap, a last cry for attention they even report about it all, also a side note, a message. And then you sit in the evening there, reading in the forums, what they write about you, about your cancellation notice is always only promo, they say, well, that the Spast stops at last, they say, a victim of a say, some, they might up, would be a real loss but not now, only very few take sides for you, but they are the absolute minority compared with those who say "He has always rapped only because of the coal, he stops well.
can now stop you.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Blue Green Ring Around Brown Eyes
just "accidentally" stumbled on and "accidentally" clicked. And what is found there nice?
- swine flu: the world is fighting against the killer virus
- swine flu: How many people, the virus kills to?
- swine flu: Germany is preparing against an influenza virus
- Post by Wagner: Deadly swine flu
- swine flu virus now overtaken the United States?
- Already 68 deaths! Swine flu is raging in Mexico
Please cancel NOW from panicking goddamn pig band!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
After Dentist Lymph Node
With burning concern and increasing astonishment I see the collateral damage of the rampage of Winnenden. After briefly following the tragedy of 11 March 2009, the German press in an exemplary rampage through the paragraphs of the German Press Code 'slaughtered ("anonymous? Bang! Journalistic duty of care? Bang! Inappropriate sensational portrayal of violence? Ratatatata ...") and evening talk shows so-called experts, so the venerable comment Which machines "(Max Goldt), the massacre of the blame-actuated, one would think barely 2 weeks after the tragic events to be reached again in the normal state. If
. Well, while I was long after that introductory rate just air hole, we can release the public Meinungsonanie's events. The question of guilt and cause , in contrast to Erfurt (Counter Strike & Slipknot!) and Emsdetten (Final Fantasy & Life frustration!) could not be clarified (Far Cry? Beretta in the dessert? table tennis? Bondage? or at Mozart's "Abduction from the Seraglio"?) , but this does not mean that the biggest wanker had learned something. As before, there are natural killer games, and somehow the gun law and over 30 corners determined again violent music that have since debt. But even in the Bild-Zeitung, the fact that it has acted according to testimony at the gunman from Winnenden a nice, reserved young man to whom such a Indeed, no one would have imagined, says so frequent that one this time not on the one-dimensional stereotype of the child killer game-Keller was able to turn the sociopathic nerd.
were therefore find the usual screaming & Gegeifer to the intensification of minors, firearms legislation etc. now also expressed about the most sensitive herlamentierten a "Culture of Hinsschauens" to recognize "early warning" and any preventive, the black pregnant sheep to get the cleaning, before it is too late. So before it runs amok, of course. The sheep, the half-black. Damn, that complicated.
But we live in a country that also thankful to the most moronic Activism cheered, the main thing is it looks like something done. The principal of a school told the Rheinische Post Düsseldorf proud that they had now taken preventive measures: Each student should, of course, in private conversation with the teacher, students call in which or to whom he "doubts" have. And this time not only the killer game-Keller children and sociopathic nerds who are under suspicion anyway, the victims will be. Because of the gunman Winnenden was not only "nice" and "restrained", but allegedly also "depressed". Aha. What will make the current hysteria amok likely that anyone who does not lobotomized-merry Facial expression is the binomial recites, but instead with worry lines on his forehead from the window, staring, out-patient by a team of psychologists and special educators will use such a therapy, that he did no other choice but to laugh ill.
Sure, that's an exaggeration. But what is these days not over the top? That common sense was apparently shut down across the board, is seen most clearly in a further collateral damage of the story, the rapper Kaas and his music video, which shows a rampage. The tragedy here is that now is the last rapper Kaas probably the glorified violence in any way, quite the contrary, Kaas has an artistic intention, a positive message, it is ultimately the prototype of the often maligned as an eco-hippie-hopper Conscious rapper - and it just picks one out to have a scapegoat. No, common sense, unfortunately, one seeks in vain.
The tragedy of this example, however, is not the sometimes grotesque drifting absurdity of the whole media spectacle, the tragedy is that only the example of Kaas, this whole headline suitable accu-look-warning-note-Pomp exposed as the lukewarm fart that and ultimately is. Who would have sat close look would have seen the disclaimer, preceded by the Kaas has his video, which would also found that the music video scenes of the graduate degree film "Amok" by Peter Lenk contains. But rather than just to look relocated we prefer to barrage.
So it is not surprising that the barrage fall mainly bystanders to victims, such as people with red hair. My nonsense, of course: people with the wrong T-shirts. I have repeatedly heard from Hirntot fans, which were due to the wearing of "hate rappers"-shirts immediately summoned to the principal of their school and noted that These kinds of "radical right clothes" would be banned at the school. And also an example of the class book entry that a student received, which has a sticker on Hirntot had its folder: "K. advocates violence, which he displays a sticker of the group 'Hirntot' on his homework book. Thus, this simple
What you need also look closely when the gunman hear from tomorrow on the basis of the music that they, or the clothes they wear are identifiable? No, no, as long as teachers are interested in their students just as parents for their children will not change. Perhaps it is time to accept that a society like ours that is so sick after all, 20 to provide various TV magazines for one and the same television, sometimes wacky individuals produces.